well, it has come to the end of my first week since class commences~ been busy rushing for my FYP and it is killing me as i need to do a lot of research, read on journals and stay in front of PC for hours to hours, days to days~ well, i hope that my supervisor will by with my dissertation title...
Time is flashing and now, it is nearly to the end of January~ and my works are getting loaded!! LOL~ well, this is my final semester, i hope i can do well in my degree study~ i hope i could make it to graduate on time which is in May 2011~!!! Then i m free to explore the world~ haha~
Well, I hope there will nothing happen in this semester... I m trying hard to maintain with faith as I know, we are busy for our study~ For me, it is a challenge but i will take it because i need to handle it no matter how~!!
Alright, I jz wish everything will be running smooth and I hope we could make it not for long last but long term~ Though we cant be together for a frequent of time, but gentle reminders for you to take note... when you feel cold, plz put on blanket~ drink more water as u easy to get sick~ rest awhile when u r tired~ relax yourself when u feel stressed~ share with me when there is tear and laugh from you~
Well, let's work hard together and to achieve our life goal~!!!!